In Software Development
Nexxus was developed to provide software developers and engineers with an ever-growing community of knowledge and networking opportunities.


NEXXUS connects Latin American Software Developers & Engineers with US-based companies.
Powered by Sonatafy Technology, a US-based Nearshore Software Development firm.

Supercharge Your Career With The Sonatafy Nexxus Network
Join and participate in our Social Media Groups to find amazingly helpful tips and tricks including How To Write Your Resume in 2022, and How To Prepare For Your Code Test. We also have developers and engineers discussing their favorite ways to #DOIT!

Nexxus Network Groups have been developed to help Latin American Engineers & Developers navigate through the competitive and sometimes challenging employment and career building process when targeting companies in the US. We want to equip each of these talented, hard-working individuals with the tools and resources they need to have the best opportunities at a career in software development in the United States.

Mastering Productivity: An Introduction to the Flowtime Technique
Mastering Productivity: An Introduction to the Flowtime Technique In the dynamic world of computer science, where innovation and efficiency are paramount, programmers are constantly in search of...
STAR Methodology: An Effective Hiring Guide for Talent Acquisition Specialists
STAR Methodology: An Effective Hiring Guide for Talent Acquisition Specialists Finding the perfect candidate is like finding a jewel in the talent acquisition world. Recruitment tactics have...
Proactive Recruiting: A Software Engineering Recruiter’s Perspective
Proactive Recruiting: A Software Engineering Recruiter's Perspective As a Software Engineering Recruiter at Sonatafy Technology for the past four years, I have had the opportunity to conduct...

Learned enough and feeling confident? If you are ready to explore the amazing career opportunities Nexxus has to offer, it's time to join the Sonatafy Technology family. Sonatafy works with US-based companies providing Nearshore Software Development services including Full Stack, Front and Backend Development, DevOps, QA and more. With a massive US-based client portfolio, Sonatafy can help supercharge the careers of Latin American engineers and developers that want to work with US companies.